Stacey Jinks: The Women of TFB Hospitality

TFB Hospitality is a company with many wonderful women working behind the scenes, it is only fitting to start a series on the women of TFB with the amazing Stacey Jinks.

Throughout her career, Stacey has had a hand in recipe development and baking around the area for businesses including Luca, South County Brewing company and LGH (and more!); but she didn’t stop there. She continued to utilize her creativity and passion for helping others in her work as an instructor for all things pastry at YTI Career Institute.

After finding her way back to TFB and claiming her current position as the Executive Pastry Chef, she continues to give back to the community and facilitate connections with other local businesses.

Stacey’s background and work ethic fits in perfectly with the series I will be sharing about the women behind TFB. She is a perfect example of how female representation matters within industries across the board, and how women can make their own path in male dominated fields with the right mindset and determination. Please join me in supporting her and hearing her full story in her own words below.

Question 1: Starting with the basics, what is your background within TFB? How did you end up where you are now?

I joined TFB as the Pastry Chef when they opened Per Diem, on the Rock Lititz campus.  I left there to pursue other pastry challenges – other kitchens, becoming a pastry instructor –  but kept in touch with Josh Funk, and he recently invited me to return as the Executive Pastry Chef for TFB Hospitality (Annie Baileys, Conway Social Club, Per Diem, and TFB Catering).

Question 2: Can you talk more about your experience as a woman in business / entrepreneur? Do you have any advice for women looking to get involved with the industry or entrepreneurial ventures?

This industry is a notoriously challenging one, and predominantly run by males!  Being a chef (pastry or culinary) is a tough job, with long hours on your feet in a hot, crowded kitchen, and often lots of pressure –  it’s not for everyone.  There have been kitchens where I wasn’t respected, or where I was viewed as ‘not as important’ as the male chefs; not just by men, but often from other women!  It can be hard to ‘play nice’ if there are too many egos in a kitchen, especially in a high pressure kitchen.  I think if someone asked for my advice (with regards to working in this industry), I’d probably have a few things to say.  

• Be confident in your skills, but leave your ego out of it.  None of us are the best at what we do, there is always room for improvement..    

• Don’t be ‘one of the guys’, especially if you’re in a leadership role.  Women sometimes try too hard to fit in with predominantly male co-workers, and it can lead to a lack of respect.  We are women, we are strong, and there’s nothing wrong with that!  We don’t have to be male to be strong or to be accepted.  

• Don’t fall prey to pre-conceived behaviors traditionally assigned to women.  Work hard, don’t expect special treatment, stay strong.  DON’T CRY.  (In pastry school, we used to say: There’s no crying in pastry!)  It’s a tough industry, and not for everyone – male or female.  As women, we do not need to act like men, but we do need to act like we are equal team members – because we ARE!

• Do what you love.  Stay strong, don’t give up.  It may be hard work, but it will be worth it.  Have no regrets.  Never forget that you can do it, whatever it is; if you believe in it and yourself, it’ll be worth it.

Question 3: TFB has created the TFB Cares program to provide meals to residents of the community, and others have spoken very highly of your efforts to help the community in other ways. Do you have any other favorite programs or ways you give back to the community you would like to highlight?

Here are some examples: we support local businesses whenever possible (like Mezcla for ice cream, and we hope to soon offer products from Amaranth Bakery within our catering department for GF treats; Conway Social Club frequents Central Market for produce and specialty ingredients; Annie Bailey’s hosts an annual St. Baldrick’s event (a program to benefit kids with cancer); TFB supports non-profits via Extra Give …. these are just a few of the ways TFB is involved with, and supports, our community!

Question 4: Do you have a favorite female owned business (or multiple) you would like to shout out or that you admire?

Wow, this is a big one!  I’d like to mention a few specific people and places:  Heidi Hongvanthong from Mezcla Ice Cream, of course; Rachael Reinmiller from Commonwealth Kitchen and Cafe; former Luca co-worker Meghan Young, from Wish You Well Bakery; The Urban Farmhouse; Rachel’s Creperie.  There are so many women-owned-and-operated businesses in Lancaster, and I’m excited for all of them!

Question 5: Finally, is there anything else you would like to share with me or the community? 

As far back as I can remember, when I was just a little girl with an Easy Bake Oven, I knew I wanted to be a pastry chef.  It was a long, winding road, with completely different careers along the way (I was a  real estate agent for several years, I even owned and operated my own custom interior sewing business, Stitches by Stacey, for more than 12 years, plus we were raising our 3 kids!).  I didn’t actually go to pastry school until I was on the ‘other’ side of 50! 

The important thing is that I never gave up.  Ever.  I didn’t let myself think that I was too old, or that  it would be weird or silly or awkward to start school and a new career ‘at my age’.  I’m really lucky and grateful that I had – and still have! – the full support of my family in this adventure: my husband Rob; my three kids Anastasius, Alex, and Cecelia, my bonus kids Hunter and Lex; and of course my parents, who started it all by getting me that Easy Bake Oven!!!!  The moral of the story?  Be the person you always wanted to be!!!

Stacey’s work can be found through TFB Hospitality’s website and social media; or you can find her direct social media link below!

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